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4 results for Phacelia dubia. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
HydrophyllaceaePhacelia dubia var. dubiaAppalachian PhaceliaFloodplain forests, other moist and rich forests, rocky forests, fields, roadsides, granitic flatrocks.Var. dubia ranges from NY and PA west to WV, south to nc. SC, sw. NC, and se. TN, with scattered occurrences (perhaps adventive) further south, to FL Panhandle (L. Anderson, pers.comm., 2022).image of plant
HydrophyllaceaePhacelia dubia var. georgianaGeorgia PhaceliaGranitic flatrocks.Var. georgiana ranges from SC through GA, west to ec. AL, in the Piedmont. It has sometimes been attributed to SC, and Levy found plants in SC which morphologically resemble var. georgiana, but he concluded that this ‘imitator’ genotype was largely sterile when bred with var. georgiana. See var. dubia for additional discussion.image of plant
HydrophyllaceaePhacelia dubia var. interiorCentral Basin PhaceliaLimestone glades, dry fields over limestone.Endemic in c. TN.
HydrophyllaceaePhacelia dubia var. rionensisSouth Carolina PhaceliaGranitic flatrocks and domes.Nc. and sc. SC.