Intro: Erect, unbranched perennial with distinctively reflexed fruits, found in bottomland forests and nutrient-rich slopes; in the Coastal Plain primarily in places underlain by coquina limestone/marl.
Stems: Stems smooth or hairy, swollen and purplish above each node.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, pairs widely spaced; leaf blades oval with round-toothed margins.
Flowers: Flowers in racemes from axils of the upper 2 pairs of leaves, arranged in pairs along upper third or half of each raceme stalk; pale purplish-white; bilaterally symmetric; with a slender corolla tube divided into 2 lips. The calyx is tubular-oval and strongly ribbed. Flowers held horizontally, but soon become reflexed downward.
Fruits: Fruit an ellipsoid, light brown achene.
Height: 8-38 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect, unbranched perennial with distinctively reflexed fruits, found in bottomland forests and nutrient-rich slopes; in the Coastal Plain primarily in places underlain by coquina limestone/marl.
stems: Stems smooth or hairy, swollen and purplish above each node.
leaves: Leaves opposite, pairs widely spaced; leaf blades oval with round-toothed margins.
flowers: Flowers in racemes from axils of the upper 2 pairs of leaves, arranged in pairs along upper third or half of each raceme stalk; pale purplish-white; bilaterally symmetric; with a slender corolla tube divided into 2 lips. The calyx is tubular-oval and strongly ribbed. Flowers held horizontally, but soon become reflexed downward.
fruits: Fruit an ellipsoid, light brown achene.
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native range: eastern North America