Intro: Erect perennial from a basal rosette , found in fields, lawns, roadsides and other open or partially open, disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems 1-several leafless, smooth flowering scapes arising from a low rosette of leaves.
Leaves: Leaves basal, on a thick petiole that is often purple-tinged at the base, oval, to 7½ in. long, with 5-9 parallel veins and wavy margins, smooth or sparsely rough-hairy.
Flowers: Flowers densely packed in a narrowly cylindrical spike occupying the upper 2/3 of each scape; greenish-white; tiny; each consisting of a papery corolla with 4 lobes, 4 keeled sepals, a pistil with a single white style, 4 stamens and a green bract.
Fruits: Fruit a brown, elongated capsule.
Height: 6-10 in.
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description: Erect perennial from a basal rosette , found in fields, lawns, roadsides and other open or partially open, disturbed areas.
stems: Stems 1-several leafless, smooth flowering scapes arising from a low rosette of leaves.
leaves: Leaves basal, on a thick petiole that is often purple-tinged at the base, oval, to 7½ in. long, with 5-9 parallel veins and wavy margins, smooth or sparsely rough-hairy.
flowers: Flowers densely packed in a narrowly cylindrical spike occupying the upper 2/3 of each scape; greenish-white; tiny; each consisting of a papery corolla with 4 lobes, 4 keeled sepals, a pistil with a single white style, 4 stamens and a green bract.
fruits: Fruit a brown, elongated capsule.
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