Intro: Erect perennial of wet savannas, natural ponds and Carolina Bays, marshes and ditches.
Stems: Stems sometimes branched above, hairy, sometimes reddish and with sticky glands.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile, often clasping, oval to elliptic-oblong, to 2 1/2 in. long, shallowly toothed (teeth with spiny tips), dusty gray-green, furry-glandular on both surfaces.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in dense clusters at top of stem and branching from leaf axils; heads about 1/3 in. wide; consisting of tiny, rose-pink to purplish, tubular disk florets. Rose-pink to purplish, furry bracts tightly surround the base of each head.
Height: 1-2 ft.
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description: Erect perennial of wet savannas, natural ponds and Carolina Bays, marshes and ditches.
stems: Stems sometimes branched above, hairy, sometimes reddish and with sticky glands.
leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile, often clasping, oval to elliptic-oblong, to 2 1/2 in. long, shallowly toothed (teeth with spiny tips), dusty gray-green, furry-glandular on both surfaces.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in dense clusters at top of stem and branching from leaf axils; heads about 1/3 in. wide; consisting of tiny, rose-pink to purplish, tubular disk florets. Rose-pink to purplish, furry bracts tightly surround the base of each head.
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