Intro: Ascending to reclining annual/perennial found in fields, pastures, roadsides, dunes, riverside sand bars and disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems much-branched and spreading radially in a circular mat from a central crown, the branches usually orange near the crown.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile and connected to stem by a stipule-like membrane, linear to needle-like, to 3/4 in. long, smooth.
Flowers: Flowers solitary and sessile in leaf axils, or in small stalked clusters; white; less than 1/4 in. wide; consisting of 4 rounded petals and a tuft of white hairs in the center.
Height: to 12 in. (long)
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Ascending to reclining annual/perennial found in fields, pastures, roadsides, dunes, riverside sand bars and disturbed areas.
stems: Stems much-branched and spreading radially in a circular mat from a central crown, the branches usually orange near the crown.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile and connected to stem by a stipule-like membrane, linear to needle-like, to 3/4 in. long, smooth.
flowers: Flowers solitary and sessile in leaf axils, or in small stalked clusters; white; less than 1/4 in. wide; consisting of 4 rounded petals and a tuft of white hairs in the center.
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native range: southeastern United States