Intro: Stiffly erect perennial of pine savannas, bogs and pocosins.
Stems: Stems several from a short rhizome, 4-angled above, with opposite branching in the inflorescence.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile and angled upward, lance-oblong to elliptic, to 1 1/2 in. long (reduced above).
Flowers: Flowers at ends of upper branches, white, about 1 in. wide, consisting of 5-6 spreading oblong-lance-shaped petals and 5 needle-like sepals.
Fruits: Fruit an ellipsoid capsule.
Height: 18-32 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Stiffly erect perennial of pine savannas, bogs and pocosins.
stems: Stems several from a short rhizome, 4-angled above, with opposite branching in the inflorescence.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile and angled upward, lance-oblong to elliptic, to 1 1/2 in. long (reduced above).
flowers: Flowers at ends of upper branches, white, about 1 in. wide, consisting of 5-6 spreading oblong-lance-shaped petals and 5 needle-like sepals.
fruits: Fruit an ellipsoid capsule.
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