Intro: Erect, tufted perennial with grass-like leaves found in dryish woodlands and forests.
Stems: Stem flattened and narrowly winged, few-branched, dull green and with smooth margins; tufts of old, dried leaves remain at the base.
Leaves: Leaves mostly basal, overlapping, linear and grass-like, to 12 in. long, dull green and with smooth margins.
Flowers: Flowers just a few in single, small cluster at top of scape; blue to purple; 1/2-1 in. wide; consisting of 6 spreading tepals with rounded or notched tips and bearing a tiny tooth-like extension. Yellow markings at the base of each tepal create a yellow center in the blue "star."
Fruits: Fruit a tan to beige, roundish capsule.
Height: 8-19 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect, tufted perennial with grass-like leaves found in dryish woodlands and forests.
stems: Stem flattened and narrowly winged, few-branched, dull green and with smooth margins; tufts of old, dried leaves remain at the base.
leaves: Leaves mostly basal, overlapping, linear and grass-like, to 12 in. long, dull green and with smooth margins.
flowers: Flowers just a few in single, small cluster at top of scape; blue to purple; 1/2-1 in. wide; consisting of 6 spreading tepals with rounded or notched tips and bearing a tiny tooth-like extension. Yellow markings at the base of each tepal create a yellow center in the blue "star."
fruits: Fruit a tan to beige, roundish capsule.
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