Intro: Erect perennial found in longleaf pine savannas, Coastal Plain bogs, pocosins and marshes.
Stems: Stems branched only if damaged/cut, smooth.
Leaves: Basal leaves winged-petiolate, broadly to narrowly oblong-lance-shaped, to 12 in. long, entire or rough-margined (not toothed); stem leaves alternate, quickly reduced to small bracts near top of stems.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in an elongated terminal spike, to 3 ft. long; heads about 1/4 in. long and wide, consisting of 3-7 yellow ray florets encircling a center disk of tiny, yellow, tubular florets.
Comments: Flowers are attractive to bees and other pollinators.
Height: 4-6 ft.
plant sale text: You will be enticed by Wand goldenrod during the entire growing season. The wands expand all spring and summer to reach 4-6 feet. Then suddenly, in October, the tops turn bright yellow with the flowers which are attractive to bees and other pollinators. Wand Goldenrod is found in sandy pine barrens and wet coast plains from Texas to Maryland. The wand-like form would combine well with a warm season grass, fall aster or Carphephorus sp.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial found in longleaf pine savannas, Coastal Plain bogs, pocosins and marshes.
stems: Stems branched only if damaged/cut, smooth.
leaves: Basal leaves winged-petiolate, broadly to narrowly oblong-lance-shaped, to 12 in. long, entire or rough-margined (not toothed); stem leaves alternate, quickly reduced to small bracts near top of stems.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in an elongated terminal spike, to 3 ft. long; heads about 1/4 in. long and wide, consisting of 3-7 yellow ray florets encircling a center disk of tiny, yellow, tubular florets.
comments: Flowers are attractive to bees and other pollinators.
cultural notes:
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