Intro: Erect annual (or short-lived perennial) found on xeric sands of sandhills, dry pine flatwoods and maritime forests.
Stems: Stems smooth and wiry with many rigid, forking branches that are so fine the tiny flowers may seem to hover above the ground.
Leaves: Basal leaves in an overwintering rosettes, petiolate, spoon-shaped, to 3/4 in. long and withering by flowering time. Stem leaves opposite, triangular scales less than 1/16 in. long.
Flowers: Flowers in small clusters at tips of branches; white; less than 1/4 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading, round petals and 5 pointed, reddish-brown sepals.
Fruits: Fruit a broadly ellipsoid capsule.
Height: 2-10 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect annual (or short-lived perennial) found on xeric sands of sandhills, dry pine flatwoods and maritime forests.
stems: Stems smooth and wiry with many rigid, forking branches that are so fine the tiny flowers may seem to hover above the ground.
leaves: Basal leaves in an overwintering rosettes, petiolate, spoon-shaped, to 3/4 in. long and withering by flowering time. Stem leaves opposite, triangular scales less than 1/16 in. long.
flowers: Flowers in small clusters at tips of branches; white; less than 1/4 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading, round petals and 5 pointed, reddish-brown sepals.
fruits: Fruit a broadly ellipsoid capsule.
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native range: southeastern United States