Intro: Spreading-prostrate, herbaceous perennial vine found in clay-based Carolina bays and wet savannas, margins of pineland ponds.
Stems: Stems several-many, the basal portions appearing rhizomatous; often forming large mats.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile, oblong, 3/4-1 1/4 in. long, with a tiny tooth at the tip and silky-hairy.
Flowers: Flowers in groups of 1-3 on long stalks (longer than leaves) from leaf axils, pale pink or purple, 1/3-1/2 in. long, the corolla bell- to funnel-shaped and composed of fused petals. At the base of the corolla are 5 leathery, lance-shaped sepals, and there are 5 stamens and a style that is split more than half its length .
Fruits: Fruit a 4-seeded capsule.
Height: 1 1/2-6 1/2 ft. long
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description: Spreading-prostrate, herbaceous perennial vine found in clay-based Carolina bays and wet savannas, margins of pineland ponds.
stems: Stems several-many, the basal portions appearing rhizomatous; often forming large mats.
leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile, oblong, 3/4-1 1/4 in. long, with a tiny tooth at the tip and silky-hairy.
flowers: Flowers in groups of 1-3 on long stalks (longer than leaves) from leaf axils, pale pink or purple, 1/3-1/2 in. long, the corolla bell- to funnel-shaped and composed of fused petals. At the base of the corolla are 5 leathery, lance-shaped sepals, and there are 5 stamens and a style that is split more than half its length .
fruits: Fruit a 4-seeded capsule.
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