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4 results for Symphyotrichum praealtum. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum praealtum var. angustiorWillow Aster, Veiny Lined AsterFen-like calcareous wetlands.ME south to NC (?) and ne. TN. Abrams Creek, Frederick County, VA. Also reported for NC by Kartesz (1999).image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum praealtum var. nebraskenseNebraska AsterBottomlands, other moist areas.NE, KS, and OK east to MO, AR, and LA.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum praealtum var. praealtumNet-veined Aster, Willowleaf AsterMoist forests over limestone, wooded fens (with Acer rubrum and Fraxinus nigra), calcareous clay prairies.NY, MN, and SD south to Panhandle FL, e. TX, and Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, TAM). Reported for Giles County, VA.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum praealtum var. subasperRough Willowleaf AsterLoess prairies and woodlands, bottomlands, other moist habitats.KY, IN, IL, MO, and OK south to AL and TX.image of plant