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Tephrosia florida (F.G. Dietrich) C.E. Wood. Florida Hoarypea, Florida Goat’s-rue. Phen: May-Jul; Jun-Sep. Hab: Pine savannas and other pinelands. Dist: E. NC south to s. FL, west to se. LA, a Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic.

Origin/Endemic status: Endemic

Taxonomy Comments: See T. chrysophylla for discussion of hybrids between T. chrysophylla and T. florida.

Synonymy : = FNA11.1, K1, K3, K4, RAB, SE3, WH3, Isely (1998), Wood (1949); = Cracca ambigua (M.A.Curtis) Kuntze – S, S13; > Cracca gracillima (B.L.Rob.) A.Heller – S, S13

Links to other floras: = Tephrosia florida - FNA11.1

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image of plant© Bruce A. Sorrie | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Bruce Sorrie | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait

Intro: Prostrate to weakly erect perennial of pine savannas and other pinelands.

Stems: Stems 1-several from a single crown; sparsely covered with short, gray hairs.

Leaves: Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, 1-5 in. long and pinnately divided into 7-9 elliptic to oblong leaflets, each about 1 in. long and covered with short whitish-gray hairs.


Flowers: Flowers in racemes of 2-20 on flattened stalks arising opposite leaves, the uppermost raceme appearing terminal; white turning maroon; ½-3/4 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; with typical pea-flower shape and usually not opening completely.

Fruits: Fruit a hairy, flattened and slightly curved pod.

Comments: Similar to T. spicata (p. xx) but typically with longer (1-3 in.) leaf petioles.

Height: to 22 in.

plant sale text:

bloom table text:

description: Prostrate to weakly erect perennial of pine savannas and other pinelands.

stems: Stems 1-several from a single crown; sparsely covered with short, gray hairs.

leaves: Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, 1-5 in. long and pinnately divided into 7-9 elliptic to oblong leaflets, each about 1 in. long and covered with short whitish-gray hairs.


flowers: Flowers in racemes of 2-20 on flattened stalks arising opposite leaves, the uppermost raceme appearing terminal; white turning maroon; ½-3/4 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; with typical pea-flower shape and usually not opening completely.

fruits: Fruit a hairy, flattened and slightly curved pod.

comments: Similar to T. spicata (p. xx) but typically with longer (1-3 in.) leaf petioles.

cultural notes:

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