Intro: Delicate, erect perennial of moist upland forests and well-drained floodplain forests; in the Coastal Plain, somewhat restricted to base-rich soils.
Stems: Stems slender, smooth and often tinged with purple.
Leaves: Leaves few, 2-3 times divided into 3, the leaflets bluntly 3-toothed; green and smooth above, pale beneath.
Flowers: Flowers 1-6 in a small terminal umbel, white, 3/4 in. wide, consisting of 6-10 white (tinged pink) petal-like sepals surrounding a small, green compound ovary (5-15 carpels) and multiple stamens; sepals drop early.
Fruits: Fruit a cluster of tiny achenes.
Height: 4-8 in.
plant sale text: Windflower bears small white flowers over a period of weeks in early spring. Each dainty flower has 5 to 10 white petal-like sepals, sometimes with a tinge of pink on their undersides. Its upward-facing flowers and delicate 3-lobed foliage make a beautiful combination. This southeastern native perennial is easy to grow and long-lived when planted in soil that is moist and humusy but well-drained. Partial shade is ideal. This species thrives in the shade of deciduous trees. Windflower is a spring ephemeral wildflower and goes dormant by midsummer.
bloom table text:
description: Delicate, erect perennial of moist upland forests and well-drained floodplain forests; in the Coastal Plain, somewhat restricted to base-rich soils.
stems: Stems slender, smooth and often tinged with purple.
leaves: Leaves few, 2-3 times divided into 3, the leaflets bluntly 3-toothed; green and smooth above, pale beneath.
flowers: Flowers 1-6 in a small terminal umbel, white, 3/4 in. wide, consisting of 6-10 white (tinged pink) petal-like sepals surrounding a small, green compound ovary (5-15 carpels) and multiple stamens; sepals drop early.
fruits: Fruit a cluster of tiny achenes.
cultural notes:
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native range: eastern United States