Intro: Erect perennial of stream banks, bogs, wet meadows and dryish soils in areas with prairie affinities.
Stems: Stems branched above in inflorescence, smooth or hairy.
Leaves: Leaves whorled, short-petioled, lance-shaped to oval, to 6 in. long, toothed, smooth above and very hairy beneath.
Flowers: Flowers in several crowded, erect spikes at tips of branches, resembling a candelabra; white (rarely pink-tinged); to 1/4 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; tubular, with 4 tiny corolla lobes and 2 protruding stamens bearing orange or brown anthers.
Height: 2-4 ft.
plant sale text: Culver's-root is a splendid perennial with glossy dark green foliage that looks good throughout the growing season. The graceful upright terminal racemes of white flowers in late summer are a bonus. Culver's-root may be planted either as a specimen or in groups. It grows naturally in bogs, wet meadows and stream banks of the North Carolina mountains. However, this southeastern native perennial will be quite happy in the average growing conditions in a cultivated garden too.
bloom table text:
description: Erect perennial of stream banks, bogs, wet meadows and dryish soils in areas with prairie affinities.
stems: Stems branched above in inflorescence, smooth or hairy.
leaves: Leaves whorled, short-petioled, lance-shaped to oval, to 6 in. long, toothed, smooth above and very hairy beneath.
flowers: Flowers in several crowded, erect spikes at tips of branches, resembling a candelabra; white (rarely pink-tinged); to 1/4 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; tubular, with 4 tiny corolla lobes and 2 protruding stamens bearing orange or brown anthers.
cultural notes:
germination code: 2, 4
native range: eastern North America