Comments: This low shrub can be found primarily in the mountains and occasionally in the piedmont of North Carolina, particularly along riverbanks. Its inconspicuous flowers appear in early spring and are brownish purple and star-shaped.
Height: 1-2 ft.
plant sale text: This spreading shrub-like plant is easy to grow. Its small star-shaped dark maroon flowers are borne in panicles in early spring. The genus name, Xanthorhiza, is derived from the Greek for "yellow root". This name perfectly describes the bright yellow interior of the roots. The Cherokee tribe used this species to make a yellow dye and as a tonic. This is the only woody member of the buttercup family or Ranunculaceae. Try it as a groundcover at the edge of woods.
bloom table text:
comments: This low shrub can be found primarily in the mountains and occasionally in the piedmont of North Carolina, particularly along riverbanks. Its inconspicuous flowers appear in early spring and are brownish purple and star-shaped.
cultural notes: Yellowroot was highly regarded as a southern folk remedy in the 19th century, and many people still chew the root to treat gastric problems. Ulcers and colds were once treated with a tea made from the root. Yellowroot has also been used by Cherokee Indians as a source of bright yellow dye. As the name suggests, the color of the roots is bright yellow.
germination code: 2
native range: eastern North America