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Amelanchier arborea (F. Michaux) Fernald. Downy Serviceberry. Phen: Mar-May; May-Aug. Hab: Dry to moist forests, seepage and depression wetlands. Dist: NS west to MN, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX (Holmes, Singhurst, & Loos 2014).

ID notes: Fall color orange.

Origin/Endemic status: Native

Synonymy : = Ar, C, F, FNA9, G, Il, K3, K4, Mi, NcTx, NE, NY, Pa, Tat, Tn, Tx, Va, W; = Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medik. – S13; > Amelanchier alabamensis Britton – S; < Amelanchier arborea (F.Michx.) Fernald – GrPl, WH3; > Amelanchier arborea (F.Michx.) Fernald var. alabamensis (Britton) G.N.Jones – K1, Robertson (1974); > Amelanchier arborea (F.Michx.) Fernald var. arborea – K1, RAB, Robertson (1974); > Amelanchier arborea (F.Michx.) Fernald var. austromontana (Ashe) H.E.Ahles – K1, RAB, Robertson (1974); > Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medik. – S, misapplied

Links to other floras: = Amelanchier arborea - FNA9

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Wetland Indicator Status:

  • Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain: FACU (taxonomic split from wetland indicator species)
  • Eastern Mountains and Piedmont: FAC (taxonomic split from wetland indicator species)
  • Great Plains: FACU (taxonomic split from wetland indicator species)
  • Midwest: FACU (taxonomic split from wetland indicator species)
  • Northcentral & Northeast: FACU (taxonomic split from wetland indicator species)

Heliophily : 5

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image of plant© Scott Ward | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Erik Danielson source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Gary P. Fleming | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Joey Shaw source | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait





Flowers: White flowers



Height: 15-25 ft.

plant sale text: Downy serviceberry is a relatively small, easy to grow, deciduous tree native throughout the East. It occurs along streams, at woodland edges, rocky slopes and occasionally on dry ridge tops. In the landscape, this species offers nearly year-round interest and is perfect for naturalizing at the edge of woodlands. It has showy clusters of white flowers in spring. In June, edible berry-like fruit matures to purple-black. Fall leaves turn yellow, orange, apricot or red, giving a colorful show. This genus support up to 119 species of lepidoptera.

bloom table text:





flowers: White flowers



cultural notes:

germination code:

native range: eastern North America