2 results for argemone albiflora. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PapaveraceaeArgemone albiflora var. albifloraCarolina-poppy, White Prickly-poppySandy roadsides and disturbed areas.This species is apparently native to the southeastern United States, presumably including portions of our area, south to s. FL, but the native range is unclear. The species’ weediness suggests that it may be merely adventive in portions of our area.image of plant
PapaveraceaeArgemone albiflora var. texanaWhite Prickly-poppyRocky or sandy areas, disturbed areas.c. OK south to sw. LA and s. TX; populations in sw. AR, n. AR, and s. MO are sometimes considered introduced, but their status is uncertain.image of plant