Intro: Erect annual of fields, pastures, wet meadows, swamp forests and ditches.
Stems: Stems branched in upper half, often purplish, mostly smooth.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, long-petiolate, 1 1/2-4 1/2 in. long, pinnately divided into 3-5 lance-shaped, sharply toothed leaflets that taper to a sharp point; softly hairy beneath.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) usually solitary, or in 2-3 stalked clusters; heads orange-yellow, 1/2-1 in. wide, consisting of tiny, orange-yellow, 5-lobed tubular disk florets (rarely also 1-3 yellow ray florets); 2 series of bracts--the inner brownish-green, erect and oval, and the outer long, leaf-like, and hairy edged--surround the round to bell-shaped base of each head.
Fruits: Fruit a flat, dark brown achene with 2 barbed awns.
Height: 1-4 ft.
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description: Erect annual of fields, pastures, wet meadows, swamp forests and ditches.
stems: Stems branched in upper half, often purplish, mostly smooth.
leaves: Leaves opposite, long-petiolate, 1 1/2-4 1/2 in. long, pinnately divided into 3-5 lance-shaped, sharply toothed leaflets that taper to a sharp point; softly hairy beneath.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) usually solitary, or in 2-3 stalked clusters; heads orange-yellow, 1/2-1 in. wide, consisting of tiny, orange-yellow, 5-lobed tubular disk florets (rarely also 1-3 yellow ray florets); 2 series of bracts--the inner brownish-green, erect and oval, and the outer long, leaf-like, and hairy edged--surround the round to bell-shaped base of each head.
fruits: Fruit a flat, dark brown achene with 2 barbed awns.
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