Intro: Weedy annual of fields and disturbed areas. Native of Europe, now throughout North America.
Stems: Stems succulent, unbranched to branched above, mostly smooth, gray-green and white-waxy.
Leaves: Basal and lower leaves to 10 in. long, on winged petioles, pinnately divided into pairs of toothed lateral lobes and one larger terminal lobe; upper stem leaves smaller with clasping, ear-lobed bases.
Flowers: Flowers in erect-ascending terminal racemes that elongate as fruit matures, yellow, about ½ in. wide, consisting of 4 rounded petals, 4 sepals, several stamens, and a pistil; blooming successively up the stem.
Fruits: Fruit a linear, ascending pod with narrowed tip.
Comments: A widespread naturalized weed, Brassica rapa is widely cultivated as an oil crop and vegetable.
Height: 1-3 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Weedy annual of fields and disturbed areas. Native of Europe, now throughout North America.
stems: Stems succulent, unbranched to branched above, mostly smooth, gray-green and white-waxy.
leaves: Basal and lower leaves to 10 in. long, on winged petioles, pinnately divided into pairs of toothed lateral lobes and one larger terminal lobe; upper stem leaves smaller with clasping, ear-lobed bases.
flowers: Flowers in erect-ascending terminal racemes that elongate as fruit matures, yellow, about ½ in. wide, consisting of 4 rounded petals, 4 sepals, several stamens, and a pistil; blooming successively up the stem.
fruits: Fruit a linear, ascending pod with narrowed tip.
comments: A widespread naturalized weed, Brassica rapa is widely cultivated as an oil crop and vegetable.
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native range: Europe