2 results for carex stipata. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CyperaceaeCarex stipata var. maximaLarge Stalk-grain SedgeMarshes, ditches, sloughs, alluvial forests, cypress-gum forests.NJ south to c. peninsular FL, west to TX, north in the interior to s. MO, s. IN, w. TN, and w. KY, primarily on the Coastal Plain.
CyperaceaeCarex stipata var. stipataStalk-grain Sedge, Awl-fruit SedgeMarshes, ditches, alluvial forests.NL (Newfoundland) west to AK, south to SC, TN, KS, and NM; e. Asia (Japan, China).image of plant