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3 results for ceanothus americanus. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
RhamnaceaeCeanothus americanus var. americanusCommon New Jersey Tea, Northeastern CeanothusWoodland borders, dry woodlands, gladelike openings, dry ridge forests and woodlands (pine or oak) in the Mountains.ME west to WI, south to FL Panhandle and AL.image of plant
RhamnaceaeCeanothus americanus var. intermediusSoutheastern New Jersey Tea, Southeastern CeanothusLongleaf pine sandhills, dry sandy woodlands and forests, rocky openings around granitic or quartzitic rocks in the Piedmont.NJ (or possibly MA) south to c. peninsular FL, west to LA, mostly on the Coastal Plain, but disjunct inland to sandy soils around outcrops of siliceous rocks.image of plant
RhamnaceaeCeanothus americanus var. pitcheriHairy New Jersey Tea, Midwestern CeanothusPrairies, woodland margins.IN west to IA and NE, south to nw. GA and e. and c. TX.image of plant