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Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hooker. Southern Chervil. Phen: Mar-Apr; Apr-May. Hab: Roadsides, disturbed areas, fields. Dist: MD west to NE, south to c. peninsular FL, TX, and AZ

Origin/Endemic status: Native

Taxonomy Comments: Var. tainturieri (with fruits glabrous) and var. dasycarpum (with fruits pubescent) are sometimes distinguished (see synonymy). They have largely overlapping distributions, and seem unlikely to warrant taxonomic status, but need additional study. C. texanum Coulter & Rose is reported as a native in the Nashville Basin of TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997); it is usually now included in C. tainturieri (var. tainturieri).

Synonymy : = Ar, C, Fl7, GW2, Il, K3, K4, Mo2, Ok, RAB, Tn, Va, W, WH3; = n/a – Tat; > Chaerophyllum dasycarpum (Hook. ex S.Watson) Nutt. ex Small – S; > Chaerophyllum floridanum (Coult. & Rose) Bush – S; > Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hook. var. dasycarpum – GrPl, K1, MC, NcTx, Tx; > Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hook. var. floridanum Coult. & Rose – F; > Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hook. var. tainturieri – F, G, GrPl, K1, MC, NcTx, Tx; > Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hook. var. texanum Coult. & Rose; > Chaerophyllum teinturièri – S, orthographic variant; > Chaerophyllum texanum Coult. & Rose – F, G, MC

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Wetland Indicator Status:

  • Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain: FAC
  • Eastern Mountains and Piedmont: FAC
  • Great Plains: FAC
  • Midwest: FACU
  • Northcentral & Northeast: FACU

Heliophily : 7

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image of plant© Alan M. Cressler | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Joey Shaw source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Joey Shaw source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Radford, Ahles and Bell | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait

Intro: Erect annual of roadsides, fields and other disturbed areas.

Stems: Stems slender, round but with longitudinal lines, branched in upper half, very leafy, densely hairy in lower half.

Leaves: Leaves alternate, on petioles with clasping-sheathing bases, oval in outline, to 4 1/2 in. long, finely divided (3 times pinnately compound) into tiny narrow segments, which often have reddish margins and a minute orange spot near the tip; leaves hairy.


Flowers: Flowers in flat-topped, compound umbels (to 2 1/2 in. wide) from leaf axils; each umbellet with 3-10 white, minute flowers consisting of 5 spreading, rounded petals.

Fruits: Fruit a joined pair of elliptic-oblong, ridged seeds.

Comments: Scent when crushed sweet-smelling, resembling carrot.

Height: 1-3 ft.

plant sale text:

bloom table text:

description: Erect annual of roadsides, fields and other disturbed areas.

stems: Stems slender, round but with longitudinal lines, branched in upper half, very leafy, densely hairy in lower half.

leaves: Leaves alternate, on petioles with clasping-sheathing bases, oval in outline, to 4 1/2 in. long, finely divided (3 times pinnately compound) into tiny narrow segments, which often have reddish margins and a minute orange spot near the tip; leaves hairy.


flowers: Flowers in flat-topped, compound umbels (to 2 1/2 in. wide) from leaf axils; each umbellet with 3-10 white, minute flowers consisting of 5 spreading, rounded petals.

fruits: Fruit a joined pair of elliptic-oblong, ridged seeds.

comments: Scent when crushed sweet-smelling, resembling carrot.

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