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3 results for cirsium horridulum. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeCirsium horridulum var. horridulumCommon Yellow Thistle, Bull ThistleRoadsides, woodlands, pine savannas.ME south to FL, west to TX, mostly on the Coastal Plain and adjacent provinces; also Mexico and Bahamas.image of plant
AsteraceaeCirsium horridulum var. megacanthumBigspine ThistleMoist ground.AL and Panhandle FL west to TX and OK.
AsteraceaeCirsium horridulum var. vittatumSouthern Yellow Thistle, Pineland ThistleWet pine savannas.Se. NC south to s. peninsular FL and Panhandle FL, west to s. MS and e. LA; Bahamas; West Indies.image of plant

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