Intro: Erect perennial of deep sandy soils in sandhills, pine-oak scrub and dry pinelands.
Stems: Stems several from base of plant, branched, covered with reddish-brown scales.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, oval or lance-shaped, to 2 in. long, green above, covered with minute silvery-white scales below.
Flowers: Flowers in spike-like, terminal racemes (3/4-2 in. long), with male (higher) and female (lower) flowers separate; male flowers with 5 white petals and 10 stamens, female flowers fewer and with 5 greenish sepals and no petals.
Fruits: Fruit a round, 3-lobed capsule covered in minute silvery scales.
Comments: Stem and leaves exude milky sap when bruised.
Height: 18-24 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect perennial of deep sandy soils in sandhills, pine-oak scrub and dry pinelands.
stems: Stems several from base of plant, branched, covered with reddish-brown scales.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, oval or lance-shaped, to 2 in. long, green above, covered with minute silvery-white scales below.
flowers: Flowers in spike-like, terminal racemes (3/4-2 in. long), with male (higher) and female (lower) flowers separate; male flowers with 5 white petals and 10 stamens, female flowers fewer and with 5 greenish sepals and no petals.
fruits: Fruit a round, 3-lobed capsule covered in minute silvery scales.
comments: Stem and leaves exude milky sap when bruised.
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