Intro: Vining perennial of bottomlands, stream banks and various moist to wet disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems branching, twining and climbing, often reddish and often with lines of hairs, oozing milky sap when broken.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, oval with long tip and heart-shaped base, to about 4 in. long, smooth or hairy.
Flowers: Flowers in furry-stalked, axillary umbels; white, about 1/4 in. long, with 5 erect corolla lobes and a 5-parted, erect "crown," as well as 5 shorter, green calyx lobes.
Fruits: Fruit a teardrop-shaped follicle containing tufted seeds.
Height: 9-30 ft. long
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description: Vining perennial of bottomlands, stream banks and various moist to wet disturbed areas.
stems: Stems branching, twining and climbing, often reddish and often with lines of hairs, oozing milky sap when broken.
leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, oval with long tip and heart-shaped base, to about 4 in. long, smooth or hairy.
flowers: Flowers in furry-stalked, axillary umbels; white, about 1/4 in. long, with 5 erect corolla lobes and a 5-parted, erect "crown," as well as 5 shorter, green calyx lobes.
fruits: Fruit a teardrop-shaped follicle containing tufted seeds.
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