4 results for dichanthelium commutatum. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaeDichanthelium commutatum ssp. asheiAshe's WitchgrassDry rocky or sandy woods and openings.MA south to Panhandle FL and MS, west to MI, MO, and OK.image of plant
PoaceaeDichanthelium commutatum ssp. commutatumVariable WitchgrassLow, shaded, moist woodlands and woodland edges, and dry, thin, often rocky woods and thickets.ME south to FL, west to MI, MO, OK, and TX; Mexico.image of plant
PoaceaeDichanthelium commutatum ssp. equilateraleLinear-leaved WitchgrassCoastal Plain sandy pine and oak woodlands, dunes, hammocks.NC to s. FL; Mexico; South America.image of plant
PoaceaeDichanthelium commutatum ssp. jooriiSprawling WitchgrassWet to swampy woodlands, sandy riparian areas.VA south to FL, west to TX; Mexico.image of plant