Intro: Low-growing, carnivorous annual or perennial found in pine savannas and other wet sandy or peaty sites.
Stems: Stems are slender, smooth flowering scapes that emerge from a rosette of basal leaves.
Leaves: Leaves basal (rosette to 4 in. wide), petiolate, oblong to broadly spoon-shaped, reddish or greenish and covered with red, gland-tipped hairs that attract and trap insects.
Flowers: Flowers in a small cluster (2-20) nodding at the top of the flowering scape, light pink, about 1/2 in. wide, consisting of 5 spreading, broadly oval petals.
Height: 1 1/2-12 in.
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description: Low-growing, carnivorous annual or perennial found in pine savannas and other wet sandy or peaty sites.
stems: Stems are slender, smooth flowering scapes that emerge from a rosette of basal leaves.
leaves: Leaves basal (rosette to 4 in. wide), petiolate, oblong to broadly spoon-shaped, reddish or greenish and covered with red, gland-tipped hairs that attract and trap insects.
flowers: Flowers in a small cluster (2-20) nodding at the top of the flowering scape, light pink, about 1/2 in. wide, consisting of 5 spreading, broadly oval petals.
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