Intro: Prostrate to erect, aquatic perennial found in swamps, ditches and wet thickets, especially on base-rich substrates, such as calcareous or mafic rocks.
Stems: Stem underground and sending up separate flowering scapes and leaves.
Leaves: Leaves clustered; erect and rising above water surface on long, 3-sided petioles; oval to heart-shaped with a sharp tip; 2-8 in. long; fleshy and smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in widely spaced whorls along a single, arching scape that often leans onto the ground and roots at nodes and tip; white; 1 in. wide; consisting of 3 spreading and rounded petals, 3 sepals, and a central compound ovary surrounded by a ring of stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a brown, compact cluster of short-beaked achenes.
Height: to 3 ft. above water
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description: Prostrate to erect, aquatic perennial found in swamps, ditches and wet thickets, especially on base-rich substrates, such as calcareous or mafic rocks.
stems: Stem underground and sending up separate flowering scapes and leaves.
leaves: Leaves clustered; erect and rising above water surface on long, 3-sided petioles; oval to heart-shaped with a sharp tip; 2-8 in. long; fleshy and smooth.
flowers: Flowers in widely spaced whorls along a single, arching scape that often leans onto the ground and roots at nodes and tip; white; 1 in. wide; consisting of 3 spreading and rounded petals, 3 sepals, and a central compound ovary surrounded by a ring of stamens.
fruits: Fruit a brown, compact cluster of short-beaked achenes.
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native range: southeastern U.S. & Mexico