Intro: Clumped, erect, chlorophyll-lacking perennial found under beech trees (Fagus grandifolia) in moist to dry forests.
Stems: Stems stiff, sometimes branched, cream or tan-colored (often with purple streaks), bearing small brownish scales rather than leaves. Stems darken with age and persist through winter.
Flowers: Two types of flowers are tucked into the scales: closed bud-like flowers on lower parts of the stem, and open tubular flowers with 4 short, flaring lobes in upper parts. Both are cream-colored with purple streaks.
Fruits: Fruit (produced only by closed flowers) an oval capsule filled with minute seeds.
Comments: E. virginiana is an obligate parasite on the roots of beech trees.
Height: 4-18 in.
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description: Clumped, erect, chlorophyll-lacking perennial found under beech trees (Fagus grandifolia) in moist to dry forests.
stems: Stems stiff, sometimes branched, cream or tan-colored (often with purple streaks), bearing small brownish scales rather than leaves. Stems darken with age and persist through winter.
flowers: Two types of flowers are tucked into the scales: closed bud-like flowers on lower parts of the stem, and open tubular flowers with 4 short, flaring lobes in upper parts. Both are cream-colored with purple streaks.
fruits: Fruit (produced only by closed flowers) an oval capsule filled with minute seeds.
comments: E. virginiana is an obligate parasite on the roots of beech trees.
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