Intro: Erect, tufted aquatic perennial found in ponds, lakes and other depressions and in wetter places in pine flatwoods and pine savannas; normally submerged, with flowering stems extending above water.
Stems: Stems 1-several flowering scapes, ridged lengthwise and slightly twisted, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves basal and weakly erect or lying on ground, linear-lance-shaped with narrowly pointed tip, 2-12 in. long, thin-textured.
Flowers: Flowers in compact, button-like, white heads about 1/2 in. wide topping each stem. Black dots scattered throughout the heads represent tips of bracts and stamens in the minute flowers.
Comments: Flower heads compress easily, whereas those of E. decangulare (see p. xx) are much harder.
Height: 8-18 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect, tufted aquatic perennial found in ponds, lakes and other depressions and in wetter places in pine flatwoods and pine savannas; normally submerged, with flowering stems extending above water.
stems: Stems 1-several flowering scapes, ridged lengthwise and slightly twisted, smooth.
leaves: Leaves basal and weakly erect or lying on ground, linear-lance-shaped with narrowly pointed tip, 2-12 in. long, thin-textured.
flowers: Flowers in compact, button-like, white heads about 1/2 in. wide topping each stem. Black dots scattered throughout the heads represent tips of bracts and stamens in the minute flowers.
comments: Flower heads compress easily, whereas those of E. decangulare (see p. xx) are much harder.
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