Intro: Coarse, erect, aquatic perennial/biennial of tidal freshwater or brackish marshes.
Stems: Stems thick, longitudinally ridged, branched above, whitish-green.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, linear to lance-shaped, 4-8 in. long, sometimes finely toothed (upper leaves smaller and more toothed or spiny-lobed), with notably netted veins.
Flowers: Flowers in dense, compact, thimble-shaped heads surrounded by a whorl of large, spiny-toothed bracts; pale blue; tiny; consisting of 5 minute petals, 5 stamens and a divided style.
Height: 1-4 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Coarse, erect, aquatic perennial/biennial of tidal freshwater or brackish marshes.
stems: Stems thick, longitudinally ridged, branched above, whitish-green.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, linear to lance-shaped, 4-8 in. long, sometimes finely toothed (upper leaves smaller and more toothed or spiny-lobed), with notably netted veins.
flowers: Flowers in dense, compact, thimble-shaped heads surrounded by a whorl of large, spiny-toothed bracts; pale blue; tiny; consisting of 5 minute petals, 5 stamens and a divided style.
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