Intro: Erect to ascending perennial of wet pine savannas, marshes, pond margins and ditches.
Stems: Stems somewhat succulent, usually simple but occasionally branched, smooth to slightly hairy above.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile-clasping, narrowly lance-shaped, 1/4-3/4 in. long, entire or with a few teeth toward the tip, smooth.
Flowers: Flowers solitary on stalks from leaf axils; white but yellow at the base (inside and out), where also marked with brownish-purple veins; ⅓-½ in. long; bilaterally symmetric; with the tubular corolla opening to 4 unequal, spreading lobes (bottom one largest). A much shorter calyx tube has 5 linear-lance-shaped lobes, is finely hairy and usually lacks the bractlets seen in G. neglecta.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, nearly round capsule.
Height: 4-12 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect to ascending perennial of wet pine savannas, marshes, pond margins and ditches.
stems: Stems somewhat succulent, usually simple but occasionally branched, smooth to slightly hairy above.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile-clasping, narrowly lance-shaped, 1/4-3/4 in. long, entire or with a few teeth toward the tip, smooth.
flowers: Flowers solitary on stalks from leaf axils; white but yellow at the base (inside and out), where also marked with brownish-purple veins; ⅓-½ in. long; bilaterally symmetric; with the tubular corolla opening to 4 unequal, spreading lobes (bottom one largest). A much shorter calyx tube has 5 linear-lance-shaped lobes, is finely hairy and usually lacks the bractlets seen in G. neglecta.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, nearly round capsule.
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