Intro: Shrubby, erect-ascending perennial of savannas, wet pine flatwoods and adjacent ditches, borrow scrapes and blackwater stream shores.
Stems: Stems often in clumps, sending up new sprouts from basal offshoots; slender; 4-angled; smooth and with glandular dots.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, ascending, linear to oblong-oval with rounded base, to about 2 in. long, usually 1-veined, thick and firm, with translucent glandular dots on both surfaces.
Flowers: Flowers in an open to dense terminal cluster with narrowly lance-shaped bracts at the base; coppery-yellow; to 1/2 in. wide; consisting of 5 oblong-oval petals, 5 oval to lance-shaped sepals (slightly shorter than the petals), and an erect bushy cluster of stamens and a pistil at the center.
Fruits: Fruit a 1-celled, oval capsule.
Height: 8-24 in.
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description: Shrubby, erect-ascending perennial of savannas, wet pine flatwoods and adjacent ditches, borrow scrapes and blackwater stream shores.
stems: Stems often in clumps, sending up new sprouts from basal offshoots; slender; 4-angled; smooth and with glandular dots.
leaves: Leaves opposite, sessile, ascending, linear to oblong-oval with rounded base, to about 2 in. long, usually 1-veined, thick and firm, with translucent glandular dots on both surfaces.
flowers: Flowers in an open to dense terminal cluster with narrowly lance-shaped bracts at the base; coppery-yellow; to 1/2 in. wide; consisting of 5 oblong-oval petals, 5 oval to lance-shaped sepals (slightly shorter than the petals), and an erect bushy cluster of stamens and a pistil at the center.
fruits: Fruit a 1-celled, oval capsule.
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