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3 results for lantana depressa. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
VerbenaceaeLantana depressa var. depressaPine Rocklands LantanaPine rocklands, marl prairies.Endemic to s. FL.image of plant
VerbenaceaeLantana depressa var. floridanaFlorida Lantana, East Florida LantanaCoastal strands, xeric hammocks, scrubby pine flatwoods, edges of brackish marshes, dunes; the AL, SC, and NC occurrences apparently introduced from FL.Native from extreme se. GA and ne. FL south to se. FL.image of plant
VerbenaceaeLantana depressa var. sanibelensisSanibel Florida LantanaCoastal grasslands, coastal strands, marl prairies, disturbed uplands.Endemic to peninsular FL.

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