2 results for lechea torreyi. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CistaceaeLechea torreyi var. congestaSandhill PinweedLongleaf pine sandhills and wet pine flatwoods.As interpreted by Hodgdon, L. torreyi consists of two varieties, the more widespread var. congesta ranging from se. NC south to s. FL and west to s. MS (disjunct in Belize), and the more restricted var. torreyi restricted to FL.image of plant
CistaceaeLechea torreyi var. torreyiSandhill PinweedLongleaf pine sandhills and pine flatwoods.Se. GA (Charlton County; R. Carter, pers.comm., 2023), ne. FL, and Panhandle FL south to s. peninsular FL.