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2 results for ludwigia linearis. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
OnagraceaeLudwigia linearis var. linearisEastern Narrowleaf SeedboxPine savannas, swamps, marshes.Var. linearis ranges from s. NJ south to c. peninsular FL, west to se. LA, extending inland to the Cumberland Plateau of nc. AL and c. TN.image of plant
OnagraceaeLudwigia linearis var. puberulaWestern Narrowleaf SeedboxPine savannas, prairies, interdunal swales, ditches.Var. puberula ranges primarily from c. AL west to c. AR and e. MO, south to e. TX, with intergradational material extending as far north and east as n. FL and e. NC.image of plant

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