Intro: Tufted, weakly erect annual of moist, nutrient-rich floodplain forests and slope forests.
Stems: Stems weakly spreading, succulent and rough-hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate (at least above), petiolate, broadly triangular in outline, â…“--1 in. long, deeply pinnately divided into 3--5 oval segments, which are usually lobed or toothed and hairy.
Flowers: . Flowers solitary on short stalks from leaf nodes, white to pale lavender, ¼ in. or less wide, the corolla with a short bell-shaped tube and 5 spreading, oval lobes and the calyx with 5 prominent, hairy, lance-shaped lobes and tiny, reflexed, earlobe-like appendages between.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, hairy, rounded to oval capsule.
Height: 2-15 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Tufted, weakly erect annual of moist, nutrient-rich floodplain forests and slope forests.
stems: Stems weakly spreading, succulent and rough-hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate (at least above), petiolate, broadly triangular in outline, â…“--1 in. long, deeply pinnately divided into 3--5 oval segments, which are usually lobed or toothed and hairy.
flowers: . Flowers solitary on short stalks from leaf nodes, white to pale lavender, ¼ in. or less wide, the corolla with a short bell-shaped tube and 5 spreading, oval lobes and the calyx with 5 prominent, hairy, lance-shaped lobes and tiny, reflexed, earlobe-like appendages between.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, hairy, rounded to oval capsule.
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