Intro: Erect to reclining annual/biennial found in fields, roadsides and other dry, disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems simple or branched near base, hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, mostly sessile, elliptic to lance-shaped, to 4 in. long, irregularly toothed or lobed and hairy.
Flowers: Flowers borne singly on short stalks (or sessile) from upper leaf axils, pale yellow (becoming reddish with age), to 2 in. wide, consisting of 4 heart-shaped petals, an elongated (to 1 in.) calyx tube with 4 reflexed sepals, 8 stamens and a pistil with cross-shaped stigma.
Fruits: Fruit a linear-cylindrical, furry capsule that may be curved.
Comments: Flowers bloom at night and are pollinated primarily by sphinx moths.
Height: 6-30 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect to reclining annual/biennial found in fields, roadsides and other dry, disturbed areas.
stems: Stems simple or branched near base, hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate, mostly sessile, elliptic to lance-shaped, to 4 in. long, irregularly toothed or lobed and hairy.
flowers: Flowers borne singly on short stalks (or sessile) from upper leaf axils, pale yellow (becoming reddish with age), to 2 in. wide, consisting of 4 heart-shaped petals, an elongated (to 1 in.) calyx tube with 4 reflexed sepals, 8 stamens and a pistil with cross-shaped stigma.
fruits: Fruit a linear-cylindrical, furry capsule that may be curved.
comments: Flowers bloom at night and are pollinated primarily by sphinx moths.
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