Intro: Low-growing, stoloniferous perennial of dry to moist upland forests and well-drained floodplain forests.
Stems: Stems essentially absent; leaves and flowering stalks emerge from stolons.
Leaves: Leaves long-petiolate, divided into 3 heart-shaped leaflets (3/8-1 in. wide each), grayish-green with purplish markings and smooth; leaflets fold downward along mid-vein at night and in cloudy weather.
Flowers: Flowers 3-12 in a floppy umbel, on a smooth scape rising above the leaves; violet to pink with a white and green throat; about 1/3 in. wide; consisting of 5 oblong-oval petals, 5 sepals tipped with orange glands and 10 stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a rounded or oval capsule that splits into 5 sections. Seeds have a fleshy pad (aril) that attracts ant dispersers.
Height: 4-8 in.
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description: Low-growing, stoloniferous perennial of dry to moist upland forests and well-drained floodplain forests.
stems: Stems essentially absent; leaves and flowering stalks emerge from stolons.
leaves: Leaves long-petiolate, divided into 3 heart-shaped leaflets (3/8-1 in. wide each), grayish-green with purplish markings and smooth; leaflets fold downward along mid-vein at night and in cloudy weather.
flowers: Flowers 3-12 in a floppy umbel, on a smooth scape rising above the leaves; violet to pink with a white and green throat; about 1/3 in. wide; consisting of 5 oblong-oval petals, 5 sepals tipped with orange glands and 10 stamens.
fruits: Fruit a rounded or oval capsule that splits into 5 sections. Seeds have a fleshy pad (aril) that attracts ant dispersers.
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native range: eastern & central United States