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9 results for paspalum setaceum. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. ciliatifoliumFringeleaf PaspalumDry open areas and woodlands, disturbed areas.S. NJ south to s. FL, west to e. TX, interior to s. WV, se. KY, e. TN, n. AL, n. MS, c. AR, and e. OK; Bahamas; Central America.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. longepedunculatumPine flatwoods and pine savannas.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to s. MS; Bahamas.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. muhlenbergiiDry or moist soils.NH west to MI, c. IL, s. IA, and c. KS, south to n. FL, s. AL, s. MS, s. LA, and c. TX.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. psammophilumMaritime grasslands, sandy disturbed areas.MA south to DC (VA?) in the Coastal Plain.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. rigidifoliumLongleaf pine sandhills, dry pine flatwoods, open hammocks.Ne. GA, immediately adjacent to SC (and reported for NC by HC) south to s. FL; Cuba.
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. setaceumThin PaspalumLongleaf pine sandhills, pine savannas, pine flatwoods, dry to moist disturbed areas.MA and CT south to s. FL, west to e. TX, inland to w. VA, s. WV, s. MO and AR; Cuba.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. stramineumYellow Sand PaspalumDry sandy soils.MI west to MT, south to LA, and NM, and Mexico; scattered eastward, especially near the coast, perhaps at least in part as introductions.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. supinumLongleaf pine sandhills, dunes, beaches, other sandy soils, old fields.E. NC (e. VA?) south to s. FL, west to s. MS. Also reported for the Coastal Plain of Virginia by Tatnall (1946); needing confirmation of the specimen identification.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. villosissimumLongleaf pine sandhills, scrubby pine flatwoods.N. FL (very near GA) south to s. FL; Cuba.

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