Intro: Stemless, wetland perennial from a short, stout rhizome, found throughout eastern N. America in marshes, bogs, beaver ponds, pocosins, other stagnant aquatic situations and tidal marshes.
Leaves: Leaves in a basal cluster, long-petiolate, arrowhead-shaped with a major vein running parallel to the leaf margin, to 20 in. long and 12 in. wide, glossy-green above, pale beneath.
Flowers: Flowers tightly packed on an elongate, cylindric spadix partly enclosed by a sheath-like, greenish-white spathe; greenish-yellow to greenish-white; tiny; lacking petals and sepals; male (staminate) flowers above, sterile flowers in middle and female (pistillate) flowers below.
Fruits: Fruit a cluster of green, maturing to purplish-black, berries enclosed by base of spathe.
Height: 8-22 in.
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description: Stemless, wetland perennial from a short, stout rhizome, found throughout eastern N. America in marshes, bogs, beaver ponds, pocosins, other stagnant aquatic situations and tidal marshes.
leaves: Leaves in a basal cluster, long-petiolate, arrowhead-shaped with a major vein running parallel to the leaf margin, to 20 in. long and 12 in. wide, glossy-green above, pale beneath.
flowers: Flowers tightly packed on an elongate, cylindric spadix partly enclosed by a sheath-like, greenish-white spathe; greenish-yellow to greenish-white; tiny; lacking petals and sepals; male (staminate) flowers above, sterile flowers in middle and female (pistillate) flowers below.
fruits: Fruit a cluster of green, maturing to purplish-black, berries enclosed by base of spathe.
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native range: eastern North America