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2 results for physostegia virginiana. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
LamiaceaePhysostegia virginiana ssp. praemorsaSouthern Obedient-plantWoodlands, glades, seepages, especially over calcareous or mafic rock.OH west to n. IL, south to c. NC, n. FL, TX, NM, and Mexico.image of plant
LamiaceaePhysostegia virginiana ssp. virginianaNorthern Obedient-plantStreambanks, seepages, marshes, grassy balds (native occurrences usually over mafic or calcareous rocks), other open or semi-open moist to wet habitats, disturbed areas, ditches.Native from QC west to MB, south to e. VA, nc. TN, nw. GA, s. MO, and ne. KS; escaped elsewhere (as in most of our area).image of plant