Intro: Erect perennial found in savannas in the Coastal Plain and bogs in the Mountains and Piedmont.
Stems: Stems unbranched, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves (1-3) alternate, sessile with sheathing base, ascending-spreading, lance-oblong to lance-linear, to 12 in. long (reduced to bracts upward), smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in a dense, cylindric-conical terminal raceme; yellow-orange to pale orange; bilaterally symmetric; consisting of 2 petals and a sepal forming a curved hood, 2 wing-like lateral sepals, a long lip-petal that is either entire or wavy-margined and a slender, tapering spur.
Fruits: Fruit an ellipsoid capsule.
Height: 8-25 in.
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description: Erect perennial found in savannas in the Coastal Plain and bogs in the Mountains and Piedmont.
stems: Stems unbranched, smooth.
leaves: Leaves (1-3) alternate, sessile with sheathing base, ascending-spreading, lance-oblong to lance-linear, to 12 in. long (reduced to bracts upward), smooth.
flowers: Flowers in a dense, cylindric-conical terminal raceme; yellow-orange to pale orange; bilaterally symmetric; consisting of 2 petals and a sepal forming a curved hood, 2 wing-like lateral sepals, a long lip-petal that is either entire or wavy-margined and a slender, tapering spur.
fruits: Fruit an ellipsoid capsule.
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