Rhynchospora marliniana Naczi, W.M. Knapp, & W.W. Thomas. Marlins’ Beaksedge. Phen: May-Aug. Hab: Wet pine savannas and Florida wet prairies. Dist: FL Panhandle west through AL to MS; Central America in se. Mexico (Tabasco), Belize, ne. Honduras, and ne. Nicaragua.
Origin/Endemic status: Native
Taxonomy Comments: See Naczi, Knapp, & Thomas (2012) for more detailed information. R. semiplumosa Small seems to be this species by description and key (Small 1933), but the type specimen is R. plumosa (W. Knapp, pers. comm. 2012).
Synonymy: = K3, K4, Naczi, Knapp, & Thomas (2012); = Rynchospora semiplumosa A.Gray – S, S13, as to description, but not type; < Rhynchospora plumosa Elliott – FNA23, GW1, K1, WH3, Bridges & Orzell (2000), McMillan (2007)
Wetland Indicator Status:
Heliophily ?: 9
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