Rhynchospora thornei Kral. Thorne's Beaksedge. Phen: Jun-Sep. Hab: In open sands in wet pine savannas underlain by marl, and nearby roadsides, moist limestone barrens and prairies in seasonal seepage (GA, MS). Dist: Known from about 35 locations, in Coastal Plain of NC, SC, GA, ne. FL, Panhandle FL, and AL; also in Ridge and Valley region of AL and GA, and Black Belt region of AL. Discovered in SC (Georgetown Co.) by McMillan (2003). Discovered for MS (J. Kees, 2022).
ID notes: Rhynchospora thornei is a short (less than 3 dm tall), slender, tufted beaksedge that may form "turfy" patches. It resembles R. divergens and R. pusilla, and sometimes grows intermixed with them; it differs in possessing achene bristles (see Rhynchospora Key F).
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Synonymy: = FNA23, K1, K3, K4, WH3, McMillan (2007); = n/a – RAB; < Rynchospora pusilla M.A.Curtis – S, S13
Heliophily ?: 9
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