4 results for rudbeckia triloba. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeRudbeckia triloba var. beadleiChauncey's ConeflowerSeepy mafic or limestone cliffs.A Southern Appalachian endemic: sw. VA and KY south to w. NC and e. TN (allegedly also scattered in IL [Mohlenbrock 2014]).image of plant
AsteraceaeRudbeckia triloba var. pinnatilobaPinnate-leaf ConeflowerCalcareous soils in wet savannas.S. AL and Panhandle FL.
AsteraceaeRudbeckia triloba var. rupestrisBlue Ridge Three-lobed ConeflowerMoist forests and rock outcrops.A Southern Appalachian endemic: KY south to NC and TN.
AsteraceaeRudbeckia triloba var. trilobaCommon Three-lobed ConeflowerMoist forests and rock outcrops; locally common in black belt and Jackson prairies; very tolerant of disturbance and can be found in most mesic prairie soil sites, scattered elsewhere in disturbed areas.VT, ON, MN, and NE south to GA and TX; westward in CO and UT (presumably as introductions).image of plant