3 results for sanicula canadensis. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ApiaceaeSanicula canadensis var. canadensisCanada Sanicle, Black SnakerootDry-mesic to mesic forests.VT and s. ON west to MN and SD, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX.image of plant
ApiaceaeSanicula canadensis var. floridanaFlorida Sanicle, Florida SnakerootDry-mesic to mesic, sandy forests, often associated with Fagus grandifolia (and southward Magnolia grandiflora).Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to TX, in the Coastal Plain.image of plant
ApiaceaeSanicula canadensis var. grandisLarge Sanicle, Long-styled Canada SanicleDry-mesic to mesic forests.VT and n. NY west to s. ON, WI, se. MN, and n. IA, south to PA, n. WV, n. KY, c. IL, and MO, and in the Mountains (and rarely upper Piedmont) to NC and SC. The AL report is misidentified.image of plant