3 results for sarracenia rubra. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
SarraceniaceaeSarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensisGulf PitcherplantSeepage bogs and wet pine savannas.Panhandle FL and s. AL (Covington County) (W. Barger, pers.comm., 2023).image of plant
SarraceniaceaeSarracenia rubra ssp. rubraCarolina Sweet Pitcherplant, Carolina Redflower PitcherplantSandhill seepage bogs, pocosins, wet savannas.Se. and sc. NC south to e. GA (southeast of the Fall-line Sandhills).image of plant
SarraceniaceaeSarracenia rubra ssp. viatorumGeorgia Sweet Pitcherplant, Georgia Redflower PitcherplantSeepage bogs, especially in the fall-line Sandhills, and often associated with Chamaecyparis thyoides.C. SC (Lexington Co.) south to wc. GA and sw. GA, primarily in the fall-line Sandhills.image of plant