4 results for symphyotrichum patens. More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum patens var. gracileDry woodlands and prairies.Var. gracile, as defined more narrowly by R. Jones (1983), ranges east to se. LA, s. MS, and s. AL from a core range in LA, e. and c. TX, and OK.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum patens var. patensCommon Clasping AsterDry woodlands, longleaf pine sandhills, roadsides, woodland edges, clearings, roadbanks.Var. patens ranges from VT and NY west to PA, s. OH, s. IN, s. MO, and se. KS, south to e. GA, ne. FL, Panhandle FL, s. AL, s. MS, s. LA, and sc. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum patens var. patentissimumOzark Clasping AsterGlades, upland prairies, woodlands, forest edges.Var. patentissimum is largely Ozarkian, east to scattered locations in w. KY.image of plant
AsteraceaeSymphyotrichum patens var. terranigrumBlack Belt Clasping AsterPrairies and woodlands.Distribution centered in the AL-MS Black Belt, but allegedly with scattered occurrences over a more widespread area of the Southeastern United Statesimage of plant