You can find plant(s) by:
- Entering (part of) its scientific name, for example "Acer" when searching for species in the genus Acer.
- Entering parts of its scientific name, starting with the genus name. "Quer rub" will find Quercus rubra.
- Entering (part of) its common name, for example "maple".
- Entering the first two letters of a genus name and the first two letters of a species name, for example "acru" to find Acer rubrum and Actaea rubra, etc.
- Entering the first three letters of a genus name and the first three letters of a species name, for example "acerub" to find Acer rubrum and "actrub" to find Actaea rubra, etc.
If the names specified don't match anything in the Flora, synonyms will also be searched. If you want to search synonyms directly, use the Synonym Search below.
You can find key(s) by:
- start your search with "key", for example "key Carex"
- end your search with "key", for example "Carex key"
Do not include quotation marks in your search.
All the above searches work from the search box in the header, and also in the "Plant Name" box below. You can further limit your search below by specifying (part of) a family name and/or habitat strings. Habitat phrases are matched separately, so "wet forest" looks for habitat that contains "wet" and "forest" but not necessarily "wet forest."
You can search for synonyms in the Synonym search below.
Some links and examples:
Show list of families
See a genus
Key to keys
See a key
See a random species
Great places to botanize
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